It's been a long winter already, though not a very cold one. We've been gobbling up our bunnies, and we're getting ready to "refresh" our flock of hens, since some of the older birds are no longer laying. A contact in Cherryville is expecting to hatch blue wyandottes toward the end of the month, so I'll soon be ordering chicks. I can't wait, because there's nothing we like more around here than some baby animals.
And if you haven't, check out They have more than a thousand user-submitted coop designs, forums for your fowl inquiries, breed information and reviews (seriously, I've never wanted to review anything so much as chickens), a store where you can purchase this or this - basically, all your poultry problems solved on one wonderful website. (p.s., I was not paid for that endorsement, but I would very much like to be.)
Yes, let's get some more baby animals. (Puppies and kittens would do nicely, too.)