Monday, April 2, 2012

chard for all

Between the greenhouse and weather we've had this spring (downright hot), the seeds we started a month ago are already producing more than we can eat.  Today I brought a grocery bag of swiss chard to share with my coworkers.

It's nice to have something to share so early in the season.  Soon I hope we'll have a handle on how much our garden and greenhouse can produce beyond what we need.  At that point, we'll either try a micro C.S.A. or set up shop at the Charlotte Regional Farmer's Market.  Til then, chard for all!


  1. Could you do both? Vendors at our local farmers' market also have CSAs (and members can pick up at the market).

    1. Hannah - Eventually we would love to, but with only two-thirds of an acre and the kind of hours we keep at work, it's hard to imagine us producing enough for a CSA and a market stand.

  2. We're having ours tonight - yum! Thanks again. And for the eggs.


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